·         Translate, using wish in each sentence

Elle voudrait bien que Romeo puisse passer la nuit avec elle


Elle regrette de ne pas lui avoir donnι rendez-vous


Romeo dιsire changer de nom



·         Create compounds  with the given elements (4 elements for each compound all in all) . Careful, the core is not provided!


Burn – eye – green – heart – make – work –

Blue – good – hard – home – olive – sun –












·         Future. Translate the italicised part


Will you still love me quand je serais un vieux crouton 



Quand les enfants seront partis, we won’t have anything to say to each other



The train part  ΰ 5 heures



Don’t move, j’appelle un taxi



In the year 3  000, elle aura 99 ans



Look at the sky, je crois qu’il va pleuvoir




·         Parallel increases . Use the elements provided to write meaningful sentences about the Globe


Close to the stage / hear well


Far from the stage / not  bothered by the smell


Rich / comfortably sat


Long play / happy audience





2. FUNCTIONS. Combine he elements in box 1 so as to form a sentence corresponding to the notion in box 2.


He – her – stay with him




He – she – walk out on him





3. WRITING (150 words)

Boys will write a page of Romeo’s diary and girls a page of Juliet’s.

Context : back home after the ball.


4. CULTURE. Provide the missing words.


4.1 The androgyn : The attraction between man and woman, and the consequent institution of marriage, is explained by the myth that primeval man was …….  creature, subsequently ………….  ……… two parts, male and female, which are ………….. to each other to ………… their pristine (original)  ……….. Aristophanes expresses this theory of sexual attraction in Plato’s Symposium. Genesis relates the same theory in the familiar myth that a …….., taken out of Adam, was fashioned into Eve; and precisely because woman was taken out of man, man ………….his father and mother to cleave unto (stick to) his wife so that they become one ……….


4.2 Romeo upon seeing Juliet for the first time

Œ supply the rhymes


O, she doth teach the torches to burn ………..…….!

It seems she hangs upon the cheek of ……………...

As a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ………………..….

Beauty too rich for use, for earth too ………..…….!

So shows a snowy dove trooping with ……….…….

As yonder lady o’er her fellows ……………....

The measure done, I’ll watch her place of stand

And touching hers, make blessθd my rude …………..

Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!

For I ne’er saw true beauty  till this …………..




an African’s


she looks like

over / companions

when the dance is finished


forget, disown



 Comparisons. What is Juliet compared with ?2 are implicit and 2 explicit

a/ …….…….…..…….b/…………...…..…….c/…………..………d/………………………………


Ž Literary devices: study the definitions then exemplify (illustrer) each one with examples from Romeo’s soliloquy.ρ


A chiasmus is a sequence of two phrases or clauses which are parallel in syntax, but reversal in the order of the words


A simile is a comparison between two distinctly different things  indicated by the word like or as



 Paraphrasing

This is what a modern English playwright would have written; What did Shakespeare write?


She’s so beautiful that her beauty outshines (eclipse) other ladies’.



If I just touch her sacred hand, mine will be sanctified.





Parents – let their daughter go out




She – not scared - violence




The soldier – be a terrorist




Dillon – silent – IRA man – kill them




Moira – be denied the right – voice her anger




Moira – Moira + Catholic community – let them go that far





