Ask your partner questions about his/her habits, then fill in
your column and eventually compare the two.
Questions |
My partner |
Me |
Number of real meals per day |
Lunch at home or at school ? |
Average time spent at the table ( school canteen) |
Average time spent at the table (home) |
Habits at home (family dinner, TV tray etc..) |
Most important meal of the day ? |
Breakfast : yes/no |
Typical breakfast |
Hungry around 11 ? |
Shopping with Mum ? |
Most important aisle (rayon) in supermarket ? |
Opinion about absence of vending machine at school |
Carry a snack to school ? yes/no |
If hungry, what reflex snack ? |
Any idea number of calories in A chocolate slab (tablette) A cereal bar An apple 100gr of bread |
Where more fat between Cheese and meat Rolls (viennoiserie) and bread Biscuits and cereals Semi-skilled milk and cheese ? |
Where more sugar ? Biscuits and bread Diet Coke and beer |
Read the labels (etiquettes) on
packaging ? |
If yes, for what information? |
Opinion about yourself ? Overweight/underweight/average |
Importance of figure (silhouette) for U : paramount / very / not very/ no importance |