“What are you waiting for to prepare my meal? I am very hungry, I have been waiting for three hours!! It seems that you are doing it on purpose! And where is my Teddy bear?”

After having switched on the television, Wendy, a six-year-old girl, stared at him with such disdain that he immediately understood that he had to hurry up if he wanted to avoid a shower of insults.

“Do this, clean that, hurry up, bring me this… after all these years of good and faithful service, it is always the same thing; no thanks and even less polite words! What could I do to make them have more consideration for me? Unfortunately, nothing. I do everything, they still consider me as the servant though, and not as a ful member of the family. “

One day, I will show them I am like them, they are not so superior to me, I will get even one day…”. The smoke that was shooting from the oven brought him out of his thoughts. “Damn it! I let the pie burn, I will be called every name under the sun again!!!” He lost his flare  and on top of that, Wendy rushed into the kitchen and started to shout at him: “Is it ready? I am still waiting.” He tried to contain his anger, clutching the plate with both hands so much so that the plate burst into pieces. “What have you done again, you are useless, you fool! Idiot!” she said, kicking him. It was too much, all traces of reason seemed to have been wiped out of his mind, while his hands caught the neck of the little girl, and letting explode all his rage he wrung and wrung again until she did not move anymore. He opened his hands and realized what he had just done. Suddenly he heard a car: the parents were coming back. “ I cannot escape, it is too late. What are they going to do to me? No, this time they won’t decide of my destiny.” And he walked towards the socket.

        After, during the investigation, the policemen asked the parents: “Was she alone?”. “Yes, she was. I mean, there were only her and her robot”.