1.      Imagine a conversation between Tim and his parents

2.      A parentsÕ association writes an article about the dangers of computer games and offers advice


Before starting,1/ highlight all the words in the text that can be used 2/ make a list of the functions you could use in your essay




Sujet 1 - Try to find the translation of the following words


Ta chambre est un vrai chantier

Ranger sa chambre

Ouvrir les rideaux

AŽrer la pice

Prendre de lÕexercice

Manger sainement

Domaine scolaire : les notes sՎffondrent / se faire mettre ˆ la porte / louper ton annŽe /


Pas de communication / vous ne vous parlez jamais / se faire la gueule / sՎvader / se dŽfouler /


Sujet 2 – Read the article and list all the words that you could use to write about subject 2