If you were the editor of
a great magazine, would you or would you not publish this photo. Justify your
views. 1OO words
Make pancakes / flour |
Goal |
To make pancakes, you need flour |
Be a teacher/ not always a bed of roses |
Experience |
Being a teacher is not always easy |
Locals / be photographed |
Habits |
Locals are used to being photographed |
French students / go to school / until 16 |
Obligation |
French students have to go to school until 16 |
Students/smoke/smoking area |
Permission |
Students are allowed to smoke in the smoking area |
Smoke / in cinemas |
Prohibition |
Smoking is prohibited in cinemas |
Students / learn their lessons |
Duty (sens du devoir) |
Students must learn their lessons |
Tourists /be forbidden to take photos |
Objection |
Tourists objects to being forbidden to take photos |
Use a (tlcommande) remote to switch on the TV
(en bandoulire) tourists look like cyclops
If you want to pass (inaperu) unheeded/unnoticed, dress
in local clothes
(par manque de) For lack of respect, tourists
are considered intrusive
They (prendre de haut) look down on locals
(gros plans) Close-ups are utterly embarrassing
(compatissants )Sympathetic people show respect
(quelles que soient les
circonstances) Whatever
the circumstances, respect the code of conduct
They make you (payer les
yeux de la tte) pay
an arm and a leg and then they forbid you to take pictures !
It is not done to (dvisager) stare at people !
Even if
it trains, I will go biking
I was so tired that even though
It was sunny, I didnŐt go biking
readers -Americans – guzzle gas |
reproach |
readers reproach Americans for guzzling gas |
– American society – proviledge the prrivate sector |
accusing |
accuse the American society of priviledging
the private sector |
US – transport troops to Irak – unable to cope with a disaster on
American soil |
paradox |
US É and yet itŐs unable to cope with É soil |
– people who ignore the living conditions of African-American |
anger |
Ken is mad at people who ........... / is fed up with / can't stand / bear |
– drive – save gas |
suggestion |
instead of saving, you will save gas / instead of driving, walk so as
to save gas |
reader – death toll - overestimated |
hope |
reader hopes the death toll has been overestmated |