2. difficulty

easy †† not so easy ††† difficult


G1 - Your mission : you are in charge of a team of computer scientists working for a non-profit organization planning to introduce the OLPC in India. You are to meet the Indian Secretary for Education soon. The only video document available is a French Canadian video. Work out the English version in order to dub the video, plus a brochure.

G2 - Team 2 - Work out a presentation of Cambodia based on that of Laos that is coming up.

G3 - You belong to the WHO (World Health Organization) - Study the vital statistics of Cambodia in order to back up your strong opposition to the introduction of the OLPC in this country.

G4 - Your assignement is to design a poster advertising the OLPC. It will include
* different views of the device
* All the technical data available
* a photo of a group of 3rd World children working on it
* Captions to the photos
* A slogan
* Quotes from enthusiastic users

G5 - Detractors - try to list and study all the misuses that the OLPC could cause in the 3rd World. Hints

Suggestions :

* try to find what $100 represent in terms of minimum wage in Cambodia, Lao, Africa etc ...

* read this and that

G5 - The educational challenge. Can a child learn better thanks to a computer than he can traditionally?

Read and sum up this Wikipedia entry

G6 - FAQs

Choose 10 interesting questions on the list here and discuss the problems raised.