Worksheet 2

Line 50 to 108


1. Explain in a few words what Braling’s secret is using similarity and purpose .









2. what is « tick tick tick tick » ?




3. Line 86 to 98 : Pick out the verb phrases and list them in the following chart according to  their value.


Etat de fait
















 Action passιe












4. Now, translate this short paragraph into English :


 Il y a quelques mois, je me sentais piιgι (trapped) et j’ιtais malheureux. Mais je me sens libre depuis deux mois ! Braling 2 me remplace ΰ chaque fois que j’ai besoin de lui, c’est mieux qu’un frθre jumeau, un peu comme un clone. Quand je reviendrai de voyage, je le remettrai dans sa boξte et la vie poursuivra son cours. Ma femme ne remarquera rien car elle ne remarque jamais rien. Voilΰ des annιes que je souffre et que j’attends ce moment, personne ne m’empκchera de partir seul maintenant ! Je n’ai jamais ιtι aussi heureux de ma vie !



5. Explain Smith’s amazement using surprise , cause, then  rewrite his speech with your own words and express all that surprised him using exclamation and disbelief .

Prepare to play his part in front of the class. 




6. Find  the sentence announcing what’s going to happen next and express your view using opinion / future / probability / planning / purpose and cause.





7. Imagine a conversation between Braling 1 and Braling 2. USE the notions you want (see list) then print it


Make + … + V or have + … + VPP (revision)

Braling _______________ a duplicate of himself _______________ . (make)

You can _______________ a marionette _______________ for $7,600 . (make)

Marionettes Inc. _______________ their customers _______________ for secrecy. (pledge)

Customers must _______________ a mould of their body _______________ . (make)

They also must _______________ the colour of their eyes and hair _______________ . (check)

Braling will _______________ Braling Two _______________ while he's away. (replace)

Smith might decide to _______________ a similar marionette _______________ soon. (fashion)