Marionettes Part 1

line 1 down to line 25


Write a description of the two men's married life using the NF below


Braling & his married life

Smith & his married life


-         permission

-         wishes & regrets

-         'if' clauses

-         likes & dislikes (be fed up with)



-         wishes & regrets

-         likes & dislikes


Similarities & differences :


Then answer the following questions using as many different structures as possible pertaining to the domain Persuasion

1. the reasons why Braling got married.


 Voc : out of self-interest / keep one's business going / a big dowry (dot) / take a load off one's shoulders (ôter un poids)

2. Braling's scheme/decision using Stock-taking


Voc : make up one's mind / yearn / long/ dye to do sthg (mourir d'envie de faire qqch) set one's heart on doing sthg


3. Guess what Braling's secret is.


Travail grammaire : hate to vs hate Ving