1. Are you able to write a couple of lines about Haile Selassie, General McArthur or define words such as ERadar or VJ-Day? Have a go and then check your answers with the powerpoint presentation (2) . Go !
2. A powerpoint presentation to help you get to know the major figures and events of WWII. Just watch and take notes ! It's fun !
3. WORLD WAR II NOTES. A selection of facts, dates etc ... and matching exercises to help you memorize everything you need for your oral exam
4. The Cold War Quiz (by courtesy of Mrs Moreau) Answers
2.Hiroshima. Make a transcription of the first two minutes
3.Pearl Harbor. This recording was made the day after the Japs bombed Pearl. People on the street are being interviewed.
4.Commenting on an opinion poll
5. American History Study Guide
6. The Second World War : a chronology.
1. Archives. Some documents proposed over the last five years
. How did Nazi Germany organize Europe during WW2?
Listen to a group presenting the documents in class
. Ours to Fight. The pb of personal freedom in the US
2. Methodology : what you are expected to do and how to do it
3. Vocabulary
4. Specific problems (nouns, determiners, etc .. )
5. Facts about WWII. A few considerations that will help you get a clear idea of the causes of the Second World War
6. Pronunciation : listen and learn (countries, personalities )
7. Recording : listen to the teacher ( clearing his throat right now!)