ROLE PLAY - The Dutch clinic
Up to 90 percent of American youngsters play video games and as many as 15 percent of them — more than 5 million kids — may be addicted, according to data cited in the AM-A council's report.
Browse the NF pages to find useful expressions, but be ready to react spontaneously to whatever will be said by anticipating what the other characters might say ...
1. The director - former drug addict - reason why he decided to open the clinic - his hopes - his contacts with the Dutch Health Organizations or Associations - plans to open other clinics all over Europe, Asia and America
2. A former video addict that succeeded in quitting - how he used to behave, spend his time and what he can do now
3. A 15-year-old addict who's been signed in - reluctant to follow the therapy - yielded to his parents' pressure
refusal / usefulness / impatience /
4. His parents - summary of what they went through - symptoms etc ...
habits / difficulty / impatience /
5. The parents of a 24-year-old addict who refuses to enter the program -
refusal / impatience / likes and dislikes /
6. A psychologist specialized in all sorts of addictions -
very likely that parents are to blame in that most of the time they themselves have addictive behaviors ( arms, TV, alcohol, tobacco)
cause / consequence / prevention /
7. A maker of video games - scoffs at the idea that video game addiction is a mental disorder
8. A detractor - the therapy is much too expensive and only a handful of addicts could be cured -
reactions / objections /